student art gallery
  • The Students' Art Gallery, lovingly referred to as the SAG*, is a student run gallery at Northern Michigan University.

    The SAG* provides a professional space for students to display their artwork and build exhibition experience.

    The gallery exhibits four or more shows of student work per semester and is located in the Lydia M. Olson Library.

  • Monday-Friday
    10am - 7pm
  • Saturday
    10am - 5pm
  • Please visit the SAG Website for more information about the gallery including current exhibits and events.

    SAG Gallery Website
Art Student League
Student ART League
  • The Student Art League is a school-wide group in which anyone can participate in a variety of activities. Students participate is community art shows such as the famous Art on the Rocks, and engage in activities to assist students with practice art reviews.

  • Information is posted throughout the building about upcoming events and meetings.
Student Groups
School of Art & Design Student Groups
  • Anchor Point Graphic Design Group
  • 4Reels Digital Cinema Group

    4Reels Group
  • ISDA Industrial Designers Society of America
  • SPS Student Photographic Society
  • Student Illustrator Syndicate

    NMU Illustration
  • Metal Benders
  • Blockheads
  • Ceramics Collective